Do you Require a Tutor?

I am offering introductory lessons in the following topics:

Learn the very fundamentals of programming while using in-demand languages like C#, Python, or Java.

  • Lesson 1: Variables and data types. Discover how to define and assign variables, and identify different data types.
  • Lesson 2: Collections. Learn about collections - from arrays, to lists, to dictionaries.
  • Lesson 3: Functions and subroutines. Learn about creating and calling functions and subroutines, from passing arguments to returning values.
  • Lesson 4: Object Orientated Programming. Learn about classes, objects, methods, and properties

Learn the very basics of application development.

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Mobile App Development. Develop a simple mobile app using MIT App Inventor (Requires Gmail account).
  • Lesson 2: Introduction to Visual Studio App Development. Develop an simple application using C# in Visual Studio.
  • Lesson 3: App Development using Android Studio (Currently Unavailable). Develop a simple application using Android Studio.

Learn the very basics of web development.

  • Lesson 1: HTML and CSS. Learn to create and style a web page. Build a simple website.
  • Lesson 2: JavaScript. Learn to develop interactive web sites.
  • Lesson 3: Launch a Website. Launch a website onto the internet using GitHub pages (Requires GitHUb account).
  • Lesson 4: Advanced JavaScript. Learn about different JavaScript frameworks and AJAX.
  • Lesson 5: Server-side Scripting. Learn about server-side scripting using PHP.

Learn the very basics of database development.

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to SQL. Learn to communicate with a database using simple SQL queries.
  • Lesson 2: Introduction to Database Development. Learn to model and build a simple database.
  • Lesson 3: Advanced SQL. A brief introduction to set theory. Learn more advanced SQL commands.
  • Lesson 4: Applications and Databases. Learn to retreieve data from a database, and use it in an app.
  • Lesson 5: Non-relational Databases (Currently Unavailable). Learn about non-relational databases using MongoDB.

Learn the very basics of computer science.

  • Lesson 1: Binary. Learn all about the binary numbering system.
  • Lesson 2: Hexadecimal and conversions. Learn about the hexadecimal numbering system. Learn to convert between decimal, binary, and hexadecimal.
  • Lesson 3: Binary Arithmetic, Manipulation, and Masking. Learn about binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Learn to manipulate bits.

Learn the very basics of the Linux operating system.

  • Lesson 1: Ubuntu. Install Ubuntu Desktop onto a virtual machine, and play around with it.
  • Lesson 2: Terminal and Bash. Learn a number of simple Terminal Commands. Create a simple Bash Script.

An introduction to Software Modelling.

  • Lesson 1: UML (Currently Unavailable). Learn about UML using CHEN notation and Crow's foot. Create a simple architectural plan for a client.
  • Lesson 2: Class Modelling. Create a simple class diagram using Visual Studio.
  • Lesson 3: Database Modelling. Create and implement a database model using MySQL.

Learn about Version Control.

  • Lesson 1: Git and GitHub. Learn to use some simple Git commands. Save a project onto GitHub (requires GitHub account).

Learn the basics of Security and Encryption.

  • Lesson 1: Safe Web Browsing. Receive some tips about staying safe while on the web. Learn about common methods of attack and how to avoid them.
  • Lesson 2: Introduction to Encryption. Learn about the basics of encryption while using PGP.

Receive an introduction to Cloud Computing.

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing. Learn more about the Cloud using Google Docs and Heroku.

Be Introduced to Virtual Machines.

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Virtual Machines. Learn about Virtual Machines, and make use of VM Virtual Box.

Introductory level classes are appropriate for total newcomers as well as kids who are being introduced to IT. I also offer a clear line of progression, as well as advanced classes for more experienced students.

If you are interested, please contact me to make a booking.

Note: Some classes may require you to run third party software on your machine. You will always be notified beforehand if this is the case, and your permission will be requested.