Source code for deeprootgen.model.root

"""Contains the underlying root system simulation model.

This module defines the root system architecture simulation model for constructing 3D root systems.


# mypy: ignore-errors

import math
from typing import Dict, List

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from numpy.random import default_rng

from ..data_model import RootNodeModel, RootSimulationModel, RootType, RootTypeModel
from ..spatial import get_transform_matrix, make_homogenous
from .hgraph import RootNode, RootSystemGraph
from .soil import Soil

[docs] class RootOrgan: """A single root organ within the root system.""" def __init__( self, parent_node: RootNode, input_parameters: RootSimulationModel, root_type: RootTypeModel, simulation_tag: str, rng: np.random.Generator, ) -> None: """RootOrgan constructor. Args: parent_node (RootNode): The parent root node. input_parameters (RootSimulationModel): The root simulation data model. root_type (RootTypeModel): The root type data. simulation_tag (str, optional): A tag to group together multiple simulations. rng (np.random.Generator): The random number generator. Returns: RootOrgan: A root organ within the root system. """ self.parent_node = parent_node self.segments: List[RootNode] = [] self.child_organs: List["RootOrgan"] = [] self.input_parameters = input_parameters self.root_type = root_type # Diameter self.base_diameter = input_parameters.base_diameter self.fine_root_threshold = input_parameters.fine_root_threshold # Length self.proot_length_interval = np.array( [input_parameters.min_primary_length, input_parameters.max_primary_length] ) self.sroot_length_interval = np.array( [input_parameters.min_sec_root_length, input_parameters.max_sec_root_length] ) self.length_reduction = input_parameters.length_reduction self.reset_transform() self.simulation_tag = simulation_tag self.rng = rng self.invalid_root = False
[docs] def init_diameters(self, segments_per_root: int, apex_diameter: int) -> np.ndarray: """Initialise root diameters for the root organ. Args: segments_per_root (int): The number of segments for a single root organ. apex_diameter (int): The diameter of the root apex. """ diameter_reduction = 1 - self.input_parameters.diameter_reduction base_diameter = self.base_diameter * diameter_reduction ** ( self.parent_node.node_data.order ) if base_diameter > apex_diameter: ub, lb = base_diameter, apex_diameter else: lb, ub = base_diameter, apex_diameter diameters = self.rng.uniform(lb, ub, segments_per_root) diameters = np.sort(diameters)[::-1] return diameters
[docs] def init_lengths(self, segments_per_root: int) -> np.ndarray: """Initialise root lengths for the root organ. Args: segments_per_root (int): The number of segments for a single root organ. length_range (tuple[float]): The minimum and maximum value for the segment lengths. """ order = self.parent_node.node_data.order + 1 if order > 1: reduction_factor = self.length_reduction ** ( self.parent_node.node_data.order ) min_length, max_length = self.sroot_length_interval * reduction_factor else: min_length, max_length = self.proot_length_interval if max_length > min_length: ub, lb = max_length, min_length else: lb, ub = max_length, min_length root_length = self.rng.uniform(lb, ub) # Rescale segment samples segment_samples = self.rng.uniform(0, 1, segments_per_root) segment_samples = np.sort(segment_samples)[::-1] segment_samples /= segment_samples.sum(axis=0) lengths = segment_samples * root_length return lengths
[docs] def add_child_node( self, parent_node: RootNode, diameters: np.ndarray, lengths: np.ndarray, coordinates: np.ndarray, root_type: RootTypeModel, root_tissue_density: float, i: int, new_organ: bool = False, ) -> RootNode: """Add a new child node to the root organ. Args: parent_node (RootNode): The parent node of the root organ. diameters (np.ndarray): The array of segment diameters. lengths (np.ndarray): The array of segment lengths. coordinates (np.ndarray): The 3D coordinates. root_type (RootTypeModel): The root type data model. root_tissue_density (float): The root tissue density (g/cm3) i (int): The current array index. new_organ (bool, optional): Whether the node belongs to a new root organ. Defaults to False. Returns: RootNode: The child node. """ diameter = diameters[i] length = lengths[i] x, y, z = coordinates[i] node_data = RootNodeModel( x=x, y=y, z=z, diameter=diameter, length=length, root_tissue_density=root_tissue_density, root_type=root_type.root_type, order_type=root_type.order_type, position_type=root_type.position_type, simulation_tag=self.simulation_tag, ) child_node = parent_node.add_child_node(node_data, new_organ=new_organ) child_node.organ = self self.segments.append(child_node) return child_node
[docs] def init_segment_coordinates( self, segments_per_root: int, lengths: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Initialise the coordinates of the root segments. Args: segments_per_root (int): The number of segments for a single root organ. lengths (np.ndarray): The lengths of each root segment. Returns: np.ndarray: The 3D root segment coordinates. """ coordinates = [np.repeat(0, 3)] root_vary = self.input_parameters.root_vary y_rotations = self.rng.uniform(-root_vary, root_vary, segments_per_root) z_rotations = self.rng.uniform(-root_vary, root_vary, segments_per_root) # noise = self.rng.uniform(1e-4, 1e-3, segments_per_root) for i in range(lengths.shape[0]): segment_length = lengths[i] coord = np.array([np.repeat(segment_length, 3)]) homogenous_coordinates = make_homogenous(coord) y_rotate = y_rotations[i] z_rotate = z_rotations[i] current_coord = coordinates[i] transformation_matrix = get_transform_matrix( pitch=y_rotate, yaw=z_rotate, translation=current_coord ) transformed_coordinates = ( transformation_matrix[:-1] @ homogenous_coordinates ) coord = transformed_coordinates.T[0] coordinates.append(coord) coordinates = np.array(coordinates) coordinates[:, 2] *= -1 return coordinates
[docs] def construct_root( self, segments_per_root: int, apex_diameter: int, root_tissue_density: float ) -> List[RootNode]: """Construct all root segments for the root organ. Args: segments_per_root (int): The number of segments for a single root organ. apex_diameter (int): The diameter of the root apex. root_tissue_density (float): The root tissue density (g/cm3) Returns: List[RootNode]: The root segments for the root organ. """ diameters = self.init_diameters(segments_per_root, apex_diameter) lengths = self.init_lengths(segments_per_root) coordinates = self.init_segment_coordinates(segments_per_root, lengths) self.base_node = self.add_child_node( self.parent_node, diameters=diameters, lengths=lengths, coordinates=coordinates, root_type=self.root_type, root_tissue_density=root_tissue_density, i=0, new_organ=True, ) child_node = self.base_node for i in range(1, segments_per_root): child_node = self.add_child_node( child_node, diameters=diameters, lengths=lengths, coordinates=coordinates, root_type=self.root_type, root_tissue_density=root_tissue_density, i=i, new_organ=False, ) return self.segments
def add_child_organ( self, floor_threshold: float = 0.4, ceiling_threshold: float = 0.9 ) -> "RootOrgan": floor = math.ceil(len(self.segments) * floor_threshold) ceiling = math.ceil(len(self.segments) * ceiling_threshold) if floor >= ceiling: floor, ceiling = ceiling, floor if floor <= 0: floor = 1 if floor == ceiling: ceiling += 1 indx = self.rng.integers(floor, ceiling) parent_node = self.segments[indx] child_organ = RootOrgan( parent_node, input_parameters=self.input_parameters, root_type=self.root_type, simulation_tag=self.simulation_tag, rng=self.rng, ) self.child_organs.append(child_organ) return child_organ
[docs] def construct_root_from_parent( self, segments_per_root: int, apex_diameter: int, ) -> List[RootNode]: """Construct root segments for the root organ, inheriting plant properties from the parent organ. Args: segments_per_root (int): The number of segments for a single root organ. apex_diameter (int): The diameter of the root apex. Returns: List[RootNode]: The root segments for the root organ. """ diameters = self.init_diameters(segments_per_root, apex_diameter) lengths = self.init_lengths(segments_per_root) coordinates = self.init_segment_coordinates(segments_per_root, lengths) parent_data = self.parent_node.node_data parent_order = parent_data.order diameters += parent_data.diameter * 0.1**parent_order lengths += parent_data.length * 0.1**parent_order avg_diameter = diameters.mean(axis=0) if avg_diameter > self.fine_root_threshold: root_type = RootType.STRUCTURAL.value else: root_type = RootType.FINE.value root_type = RootTypeModel( root_type=root_type, order_type=RootType.SECONDARY.value, position_type=self.root_type.position_type, ) root_tissue_density = parent_data.root_tissue_density self.base_node = self.add_child_node( self.parent_node, diameters=diameters, lengths=lengths, coordinates=coordinates, root_type=root_type, root_tissue_density=root_tissue_density, i=0, new_organ=True, ) child_node = self.base_node for i in range(1, segments_per_root): child_node = self.add_child_node( child_node, diameters=diameters, lengths=lengths, coordinates=coordinates, root_type=root_type, root_tissue_density=root_tissue_density, i=i, new_organ=False, ) return self.segments
[docs] def reset_transform(self) -> np.ndarray: """Reset the transformation matrix. Returns: np.ndarray: The reset transformation matrix. """ self.transform_matrix = np.eye(4) return self.transform_matrix
[docs] def update_transform( self, roll: float = 0, pitch: float = 0, yaw: float = 0, translation: List[float] = [0, 0, 0], reflect: List[float] = [1, 1, 1, 1], scale: List[float] = [1, 1, 1, 1], ) -> np.ndarray: """Update the transformation matrix. Args: roll (float, optional): The roll transform in degrees. Defaults to 0. pitch (float, optional): The pitch transform in degrees. Defaults to 0. yaw (float, optional): The yaw transform in degrees. Defaults to 0. translation (List[float], optional): The translation transform in degrees. Defaults to [0, 0, 0]. reflect (List[float], optional): The reflect transform in degrees. Defaults to [1, 1, 1, 1]. scale (List[float], optional): The scale transform in degrees. Defaults to [1, 1, 1, 1]. Returns: np.ndarray: The updated transformation matrix. """ transformation_matrix = get_transform_matrix( roll=roll, pitch=pitch, yaw=yaw, translation=translation, reflect=reflect, scale=scale, ) self.transform_matrix = self.transform_matrix @ transformation_matrix return self.transform_matrix
[docs] def cascading_update_transform( self, roll: float = 0, pitch: float = 0, yaw: float = 0, translation: List[float] = [0, 0, 0], reflect: List[float] = [1, 1, 1, 1], scale: List[float] = [1, 1, 1, 1], ) -> None: """Update the transformation matrix for the organ and child organs. Args: roll (float, optional): The roll transform in degrees. Defaults to 0. pitch (float, optional): The pitch transform in degrees. Defaults to 0. yaw (float, optional): The yaw transform in degrees. Defaults to 0. translation (List[float], optional): The translation transform in degrees. Defaults to [0, 0, 0]. reflect (List[float], optional): The reflect transform in degrees. Defaults to [1, 1, 1, 1]. scale (List[float], optional): The scale transform in degrees. Defaults to [1, 1, 1, 1]. """ self.update_transform( roll=roll, pitch=pitch, yaw=yaw, translation=translation, reflect=reflect, scale=scale, ) for child_organ in self.child_organs: child_organ.cascading_update_transform( roll=roll, pitch=pitch, yaw=yaw, translation=translation, reflect=reflect, scale=scale, )
[docs] def get_coordinates(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the coordinates of the root segments. Returns: np.ndarray: The coordinates of the root segments """ coordinates = [] for segment in self.segments: node_data = segment.node_data coordinate = [node_data.x, node_data.y, node_data.z] coordinates.append(coordinate) coordinates = np.array(coordinates) return coordinates
[docs] def transform(self) -> np.ndarray: """Apply the transformation matrix to the root system coordinates. Returns: np.ndarray: The transformation matrix. """ coordinates = self.get_coordinates() ones_matrix = np.ones((len(coordinates), 1)) homogenous_coordinates = np.hstack((coordinates, ones_matrix)).T transformed_coordinates = self.transform_matrix[:-1] @ homogenous_coordinates coordinates = transformed_coordinates.T for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments): node_data = segment.node_data node_data.x, node_data.y, node_data.z = coordinates[i] return self.reset_transform()
[docs] def cascading_transform(self) -> None: """Apply the transformation matrix for the organ and child organs.""" self.transform() for child_organ in self.child_organs: child_organ.cascading_transform()
[docs] def get_parent_origin(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the origin of the parent node. Returns: np.ndarray: The origin. """ node_data = self.parent_node.node_data x, y, z = node_data.x, node_data.y, node_data.z origin = np.array([x, y, z]) return origin
[docs] def get_local_origin(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the origin of the current root. Returns: np.ndarray: The local origin. """ node_data = self.segments[0].node_data origin = np.array([node_data.x, node_data.y, node_data.z]) return origin
[docs] def get_apex_coordinates(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the apex coordinates of the current root. Returns: np.ndarray: The apex coordinates. """ node_data = self.segments[-1].node_data apex = np.array([node_data.x, node_data.y, node_data.z]) return apex
[docs] def cascading_to_world_origin(self) -> None: """ Translate all child nodes to the world origin. """ local_origin = -self.get_local_origin() self.cascading_update_transform(translation=local_origin)
[docs] def set_invalid_root(self) -> None: """Specify that the root is invalid.""" self.invalid_root = True for segment in self.segments: segment.node_data.invalid_root = True
[docs] def cascading_set_invalid_root(self) -> None: """Specify that the root and its children are invalid.""" self.set_invalid_root() for child in self.child_organs: child.cascading_set_invalid_root()
[docs] def validate( self, no_root_zone: float, pitch: int = 90, max_attempts: int = 50 ) -> None: """Validate the plausibility of the root organ. Args: no_root_zone (float): The minimum depth threshold for root growth. pitch (int, optional): Pitch in degrees to rotate roots. Defaults to 90. max_attempts (int, optional): Maximum number of validation attempts. Defaults to 50. """ if self.invalid_root: return def __transform(**kwargs): """Translate to world origin. Apply transform. Translate back to local origin.""" local_origin = self.get_local_origin() self.cascading_to_world_origin() self.cascading_transform() self.cascading_update_transform(**kwargs) self.cascading_transform() self.cascading_update_transform(translation=local_origin) self.cascading_transform() coin_flip = self.rng.binomial(1, 0.5) if coin_flip == 1: pitch *= -1 # No upwards growing roots # Gravitropism iter_count = 0 current_order = self.segments[0].node_data.order if current_order > 1: while self.get_apex_coordinates()[2] > self.get_local_origin()[2]: if iter_count > max_attempts: return self.cascading_set_invalid_root() __transform(pitch=pitch) iter_count += 1 # Coordinates above no root zone iter_count = 0 coordinates = self.get_coordinates() while np.any(coordinates[:, 2] > no_root_zone): if iter_count > max_attempts: return self.cascading_set_invalid_root() __transform(pitch=pitch) coordinates = self.get_coordinates() iter_count += 1 # Remove detached roots if current_order > 1: local_origin = np.around(self.get_local_origin()) parent_coordinates = np.around(self.get_parent_origin()) if np.any(np.not_equal(local_origin, parent_coordinates)): return self.cascading_set_invalid_root()
[docs] class RootSystemSimulation: """The root system architecture simulation model.""" def __init__( self, simulation_tag: str = "default", random_seed: int = None, ) -> None: """RootSystemSimulation constructor. Args: simulation_tag (str, optional): A tag to group together multiple simulations. Defaults to 'default'. random_seed (int, optional): The seed for the random number generator. Defaults to None. Returns: RootSystemSimulation: The RootSystemSimulation instance. """ self.soil: Soil = Soil() self.G: RootSystemGraph = RootSystemGraph() self.organs: Dict[int, List[RootOrgan]] = {} self.simulation_tag = simulation_tag self.rng = default_rng(random_seed)
[docs] def get_yaw(self, number_of_roots: int) -> tuple: """Get the yaw for rotating the root organs. Args: number_of_roots (int): The number of roots. Returns: tuple: The yaw and base yaw. """ yaw_base = 360 / number_of_roots return yaw_base, yaw_base * 0.05, yaw_base
[docs] def plot_hierarchical_graph( self, G: nx.Graph, feature_key: str = "x", x_key: str = "x", y_key: str = "y", z_key: str = "z", ) -> go.Figure: """Create a visualisation of hierarchical graph representation of the root system. Args: G (nx.Graph): The NetworkX graph. feature_key (str, optional): The node features key. Defaults to 'x'. x_key (str, optional): The node features key. Defaults to 'x'. y_key (str, optional): The node features key. Defaults to 'y'. z_key (str, optional): The node features key. Defaults to 'z'. Returns: go.Figure: The visualisation of the hierarchical graph representation. """ src_indx, dest_indx = 0, 1 x_edges, y_edges, z_edges = [], [], [] x_nodes, y_nodes, z_nodes = [], [], [] node_texts = [] for node_indx in G.nodes: node = G.nodes[node_indx] x_nodes.append(node[feature_key][x_key]) y_nodes.append(node[feature_key][y_key]) z_nodes.append(node[feature_key][z_key]) node_text = f""" x: {node[feature_key][x_key]}<br> y: {node[feature_key][y_key]}<br> z: {node[feature_key][z_key]}<br> Organ ID: {node[feature_key]['organ_id']}<br> Order: {node[feature_key]['order']}<br> Segment rank: {node[feature_key]['segment_rank']}<br> Diameter: {node[feature_key]['diameter']}<br> Length: {node[feature_key]['length']}<br> Root type: {node[feature_key]['root_type']}<br> Order type: {node[feature_key]['order_type']}<br> Position type: {node[feature_key]['position_type']}<br> Simulation tag: {node[feature_key]['simulation_tag']}<br>""" node_texts.append(node_text) trace_nodes = go.Scatter3d( x=x_nodes, y=y_nodes, z=z_nodes, mode="markers", marker=dict( symbol="circle", size=4, color="green", line=dict(color="black", width=0.5), ), text=node_texts, hoverinfo="text", ) edge_list = G.edges() for edge in edge_list: src_edge = edge[src_indx] node_src = G.nodes[src_edge] node_dest = G.nodes[edge[dest_indx]] x_coords = [ node_src[feature_key][x_key], node_dest[feature_key][x_key], None, ] x_edges += x_coords y_coords = [ node_src[feature_key][y_key], node_dest[feature_key][y_key], None, ] y_edges += y_coords z_coords = [ node_src[feature_key][z_key], node_dest[feature_key][z_key], None, ] z_edges += z_coords trace_edges = go.Scatter3d( x=x_edges, y=y_edges, z=z_edges, mode="lines", line=dict(color="green", width=10), hoverinfo="none", ) axis = dict( showbackground=False, showline=False, zeroline=False, showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, ) layout = go.Layout( width=1000, height=1000, showlegend=False, scene=dict( xaxis=dict(axis), yaxis=dict(axis), zaxis=dict(axis), ), margin=dict(t=100), hovermode="closest", ) data = [trace_edges, trace_nodes] fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return fig
[docs] def plot_root_system(self, fig: go.Figure, node_df: pd.DataFrame) -> go.Figure: """Create a visualisation of the root system. Args: fig (int): The base plotly figure. node_df (pd.DataFrame): The root node dataframe. Returns: go.Figure: The visualisation of the root system. """ node_df = node_df.query("invalid_root == False") fig.add_trace( go.Scatter3d( name="root", x=node_df["x"], y=node_df["y"], z=node_df["z"], mode="markers", line=dict(color="green", colorscale="brwnyl", width=10), marker=dict(size=4, color="green", colorscale="brwnyl", opacity=1), customdata=np.stack( ( node_df.organ_id, node_df.order, node_df.segment_rank, node_df.diameter, node_df.length, node_df.root_type, node_df.order_type, node_df.position_type, node_df.simulation_tag, ), axis=-1, ), hovertemplate=""" x: %{x}<br> y: %{y}<br> z: %{z}<br> Organ ID: %{customdata[0]}<br> Order: %{customdata[1]}<br> Segment rank: %{customdata[2]}<br> Diameter: %{customdata[3]}<br> Length: %{customdata[4]}<br> Root type: %{customdata[5]}<br> Order type: %{customdata[6]}<br> Position type: %{customdata[7]}<br> Simulation tag: %{customdata[8]}<br>""", ) ) axis = dict( showbackground=False, showline=False, zeroline=False, showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, ) fig.update_traces(connectgaps=False) fig.update_layout( width=1000, height=1000, showlegend=False, scene=dict( xaxis=dict(axis), yaxis=dict(axis), zaxis=dict(axis), ), margin=dict(t=100), hovermode="closest", ) return fig
[docs] def init_fig(self, input_parameters: RootSimulationModel) -> go.Figure | None: """Initialise the root system figure. Args: input_parameters (RootSimulationModel): The root simulation data model. Returns: go.Figure | None: The root system visualisation. """ # Initialise figure (optionally with soil) if input_parameters.enable_soil: soil_df = self.soil.create_soil_grid( input_parameters.soil_layer_height, input_parameters.soil_n_layers, input_parameters.soil_layer_width, input_parameters.soil_n_cols, ) fig = self.soil.create_soil_fig(soil_df) else: fig = go.Figure() fig.update_layout( scene=dict( xaxis=dict(title="x"), yaxis=dict(title="y"), zaxis=dict(title="z") ) ) return fig
[docs] def init_organs( self, input_parameters: RootSimulationModel ) -> Dict[str, List[RootOrgan]]: """Initialise the root organs for the simulation. Args: input_parameters (RootSimulationModel): The root simulation data model. Returns: Dict[str, List[RootOrgan]]: The initialised root organs. """ for order in range(1, input_parameters.max_order + 1): self.organs[order] = [] order = 1 segments_per_root = input_parameters.segments_per_root apex_diameter = input_parameters.apex_diameter root_type = RootTypeModel( root_type=RootType.STRUCTURAL.value, order_type=RootType.PRIMARY.value, position_type=RootType.OUTER.value, ) for _ in range(input_parameters.outer_root_num): organ = RootOrgan( self.G.base_node, input_parameters=input_parameters, root_type=root_type, simulation_tag=self.simulation_tag, rng=self.rng, ) organ.construct_root( segments_per_root, apex_diameter, input_parameters.root_tissue_density ) self.organs[order].append(organ) root_type = RootTypeModel( root_type=RootType.STRUCTURAL.value, order_type=RootType.PRIMARY.value, position_type=RootType.INNER.value, ) for _ in range(input_parameters.inner_root_num): organ = RootOrgan( self.G.base_node, input_parameters=input_parameters, root_type=root_type, simulation_tag=self.simulation_tag, rng=self.rng, ) organ.construct_root( segments_per_root, apex_diameter, input_parameters.root_tissue_density ) self.organs[order].append(organ) min_sec_root_num = input_parameters.min_sec_root_num max_sec_root_num = input_parameters.max_sec_root_num if min_sec_root_num == max_sec_root_num: max_sec_root_num += 1 if min_sec_root_num > max_sec_root_num: min_sec_root_num, max_sec_root_num = max_sec_root_num, min_sec_root_num for order in range(2, input_parameters.max_order + 1): prev_order = order - 1 growth_sec_root = (1 - input_parameters.growth_sec_root) ** -(order - 2) for parent_organ in self.organs[prev_order]: n_secondary_roots = self.rng.integers( min_sec_root_num, max_sec_root_num ) n_secondary_roots = math.ceil(n_secondary_roots * growth_sec_root) for _ in range(n_secondary_roots): child_organ = parent_organ.add_child_organ( floor_threshold=input_parameters.floor_threshold, ceiling_threshold=input_parameters.ceiling_threshold, ) self.organs[order].append(child_organ) child_organ.construct_root_from_parent( segments_per_root, apex_diameter, ) return self.organs
[docs] def position_secondary_roots(self, input_parameters: RootSimulationModel) -> None: """Position secondary roots about the origin. Args: input_parameters (RootSimulationModel): The root simulation data model. """ for order in range(2, input_parameters.max_order + 1): for secondary_root in self.organs[order]: yaw = self.rng.uniform(-30, 240) pitch, roll = self.rng.uniform(60, 110, 2) secondary_root.update_transform(yaw=yaw) secondary_root.update_transform(pitch=pitch, roll=-roll) secondary_root.transform() secondary_root.update_transform(pitch=-45, roll=35) secondary_root.transform() for order in range(input_parameters.max_order, 1, -1): for secondary_root in self.organs[order]: parent_origin = secondary_root.get_parent_origin() secondary_root.cascading_update_transform(translation=parent_origin) secondary_root.cascading_transform()
[docs] def position_primary_roots(self, input_parameters: RootSimulationModel) -> None: """Position primary roots about the origin. Args: input_parameters (RootSimulationModel): The root simulation data model. """ position_type = RootType.OUTER.value yaw_base, yaw_noise_base, yaw = self.get_yaw(input_parameters.outer_root_num) for primary_root in self.organs[1]: if primary_root.root_type.position_type != position_type: continue pitch = self.rng.uniform(-20, -15) primary_root.cascading_update_transform(pitch=pitch, yaw=yaw) primary_root.cascading_transform() yaw += yaw_base + self.rng.uniform(-yaw_noise_base, yaw_noise_base) position_type = RootType.INNER.value yaw_base, yaw_noise_base, yaw = self.get_yaw(input_parameters.inner_root_num) for primary_root in self.organs[1]: if primary_root.root_type.position_type != position_type: continue pitch = self.rng.uniform(0, 45) primary_root.cascading_update_transform(pitch=pitch, yaw=yaw) primary_root.cascading_transform() yaw += yaw_base + self.rng.uniform(-yaw_noise_base, yaw_noise_base)
[docs] def validate( self, input_parameters: RootSimulationModel, pitch: int = 45, ) -> None: """Validate the plausibility of the root system. Args: input_parameters (RootSimulationModel): The root simulation data model. pitch (int, optional): Pitch in degrees to rotate roots. Defaults to 90. """ for order in range(1, input_parameters.max_order + 1): for organ in self.organs[order]: organ.validate( input_parameters.no_root_zone, pitch, input_parameters.max_val_attempts, )
[docs] def run(self, input_parameters: RootSimulationModel) -> None: """Run a root system architecture simulation. Args: input_parameters (RootSimulationModel): The root simulation data model. Returns: dict: The simulation results. """ self.init_organs(input_parameters) self.position_secondary_roots(input_parameters) self.position_primary_roots(input_parameters) self.validate(input_parameters, pitch=60)