Source code for deeprootgen.model.hgraph

"""Contains the hierarchical graph representation of the root system.

This module defines the hierarchical graph representation of the root system.
This includes integration with NetworkX and PyTorch Geometric.


from typing import List

import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
from import Data
from torch_geometric.utils import from_networkx

from ..data_model import RootEdgeModel, RootNodeModel

[docs] class RootNode: """A node within the hierarchical graph representation of the root system.""" def __init__(self, G: "RootSystemGraph", node_data: RootNodeModel) -> None: """RootNode constructor. Args: G: (RootSystemGraph): The hierarchical graph representation of the root system. node_data (RootNodeModel): The root node data model. Returns: RootNode: The RootNode instance. """ self.G = G self.node_data = node_data
[docs] def add_child_node( self, child_data: RootNodeModel, new_organ: bool = False ) -> "RootNode": """Add a child node to the hierarchical graph. Args: child_data (RootNodeModel): The node data for the child node. new_organ (bool): Whether the new child node belongs to a new plant organ. Returns: RootNode: The child node. """ if new_organ: organ_id = self.G.increment_organ_id() segment_rank = 1 order = self.node_data.order + 1 # type: ignore else: organ_id = self.node_data.organ_id # type: ignore segment_rank = self.node_data.segment_rank + 1 # type: ignore order = self.node_data.order # type: ignore child_data.parent_id = self.node_data.node_id child_data.organ_id = organ_id child_data.plant_id = self.node_data.plant_id child_data.segment_rank = segment_rank child_data.order = order child_node = self.G.add_node(child_data) edge_data = RootEdgeModel( parent_id=self.node_data.node_id, child_id=child_node.node_data.node_id ) self.G.add_edge(edge_data) return child_node
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Return the graph node as a dictionary. Returns: dict: The node as a dictionary. """ return self.node_data.dict()
[docs] class RootEdge: """An edge within the hierarchical graph representation of the root system.""" def __init__(self, G: "RootSystemGraph", edge_data: RootEdgeModel) -> None: """RootEdge constructor. Args: G: (RootSystemGraph): The hierarchical graph representation of the root system. edge_data (RootEdgeModel): The root edge data model. Returns: RootEdge: The RootEdge instance. """ self.G = G self.edge_data = edge_data
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Return the graph edge as a dictionary. Returns: dict: The edge as a dictionary. """ return self.edge_data.dict()
[docs] class RootSystemGraph: """The hierarchical graph representation of the root system.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """RootSystemGraph constructor. Returns: RootSystemSimulation: The RootSystemGraph instance. """ self.nodes: List[RootNode] = [] self.edges: List[RootEdge] = [] self.node_id = 0 self.organ_id = 0 # Base organ node node_data = RootNodeModel() node_data.organ_id = self.increment_organ_id() self.base_node = self.add_node(node_data)
[docs] def add_node(self, node_data: RootNodeModel) -> RootNode: """Construct a new RootNode. Args: node_data (RootNodeModel): The root node data model. Returns: RootNode: The new RootNode. """ node_data.node_id = self.increment_node_id() node = RootNode(self, node_data) self.nodes.append(node) return node
[docs] def add_edge(self, edge_data: RootEdgeModel) -> RootEdge: """Construct a new RootEdge. Args: node_data (RootEdgeModel): The root edge data model. Returns: RootEdge: The new RootEdge. """ edge = RootEdge(self, edge_data) self.edges.append(edge) return edge
[docs] def increment_node_id(self) -> int: """Increment the node ID. Returns: int: The node ID prior to incrementation. """ node_id = self.node_id self.node_id += 1 return node_id
[docs] def increment_organ_id(self) -> int: """Increment the organ ID. Returns: int: The organ ID prior to incrementation. """ organ_id = self.organ_id self.organ_id += 1 return organ_id
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> tuple: """Return the graph as a tuple of node and edge lists. Returns: tuple: The graph as a tuple of node and edge lists. """ nodes = [] for n in self.nodes: nodes.append(n.as_dict()) edges = [] for e in self.edges: edges.append(e.as_dict()) return nodes, edges
[docs] def as_df(self) -> tuple: """Return the graph as a tuple of node and edge dataframes. Returns: tuple: The graph as a tuple of node and edge dataframes. """ nodes, edges = self.as_dict() node_df = pd.DataFrame(nodes) edge_df = pd.DataFrame(edges) return node_df, edge_df
[docs] def as_networkx(self) -> nx.Graph: """Return the graph as a NetworkX graph. Returns: tuple: The graph in NetworkX format. """ node_df, edge_df = self.as_df() G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist( edge_df, "parent_id", "child_id", create_using=nx.Graph() ) node_features = node_df.set_index("node_id", drop=False).T.squeeze().to_dict() nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_features, "x") return G
[docs] def as_torch(self) -> Data: """Return the graph as a PyTorch Geometric graph dataset. Returns: tuple: The graph as a PyTorch Geometric graph dataset. """ G = self.as_networkx() torch_G = from_networkx(G).double() return torch_G