Source code for deeprootgen.form.components

"""Contains utilities for form components.

This module is composed of various utilities for form
components. These include common components and
components that are specific to a given page.


from pydoc import locate

import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import pandas as pd
from dash import dcc, get_app, html

[docs] def build_common_components( component_specs: list, page_id: str, component_type: str, component_data: dict | None = None, resize_component: bool = True, ) -> list: """Build form components that are common across pages. Args: component_specs (list): The list of form component specifications. page_id (str): The page ID. component_type (str): The type of component. Used for grouping common components. component_data: (dict, optional): A dictionary of data to render within form component. resize_component: (bool, optional): Whether to resize the last component in the row. Returns: list: The common form components. """ components = [] row = [] col_num = 0 for component_spec in component_specs: component_label = html.P( html.Span( dbc.Label( component_spec.label,, id=f"{page_id}-{}-label", ), id=f"{page_id}-{}-tooltip-target", style={ "cursor": "pointer", "padding-left": "0.5em", "padding-top": "0.5em", }, ), style={"margin": "0"}, ) component_tooltip = dbc.Tooltip(, target=f"{page_id}-{}-tooltip-target", placement="right", delay={"show": "500"}, ) component = locate(component_spec.class_name) kwargs = component_spec.kwargs component_instance = component( id={ "index": f"{page_id}-{}", "type": f"{page_id}-{component_type}", }, **kwargs, ) # type: ignore = {"padding-left": "0.5em"} if hasattr(component_spec, "handler"): if component_spec.handler == "boolean_switch": component_instance.on = False if component_spec.handler == "dropdown": options_func = locate(component_spec.options_func) options_list = options_func() # type: ignore component_instance.options = options_list if len(options_list) > 0: if component_spec.kwargs["multi"]: component_instance.value = [options_list[0]] else: component_instance.value = options_list[0] if component_spec.handler == "range_slider": component_instance.value = [ component_spec.min_value, component_spec.max_value, ] component_instance.tooltip = { "placement": "top", "always_visible": True, } if component_spec.handler == "file_upload": = { "width": "100%", "height": "60px", "lineHeight": "60px", "borderWidth": "1px", "borderStyle": "dashed", "textAlign": "center", "overflow-wrap": "break-word", "text-overflow": "ellipsis", "word-break": "break-all", "overflow": "hidden", } if component_spec.handler == "data_table": component_instance.markdown_options = {"html": True} component_instance.persisted_props = ["", "data"] component_instance.filter_options = { "placeholder_text": "Filter", "case": "insensitive", } table_style = {"textAlign": "left"} component_instance.style_data = table_style component_instance.style_cell = table_style component_instance.style_header = table_style component_instance.style_filter = table_style component_instance.fixed_rows = {"headers": True} if ( component_data is not None and component_data.get( is not None ): table_df = component_data[] = table_df.to_dict("records") component_instance.columns = [ { "name": i.title(), "id": i, "selectable": True, "presentation": "markdown", } for i in table_df.columns ] row.append(dbc.Col([component_label, component_tooltip, component_instance])) col_num += 1 if col_num >= 2: col_num = 0 components.append(dbc.Row(row)) row = [] if resize_component: width = "52.5%" else: width = "100%" if len(row) == 1: components.append(dbc.Row(dbc.Col(row), style={"width": width})) return components
[docs] def build_collapsible( components: list, page_id: str, label: str, ) -> dbc.Row: """Build a collapsible form element. Args: components (list): A list of form components. page_id (str): The ID of the current page for grouping components. label (str): The label for the collapsible. Returns: dbc.Row: The collapsible. """ ele_id = label.lower().replace(" ", "-") collapsible = dbc.Row( [ dbc.Row( dbc.Button( label, id=f"{page_id}-{ele_id}-collapse-button", className="me-1", color="light", n_clicks=0, ) ), dbc.Row( dbc.Collapse( dbc.Card( dbc.CardBody( dbc.Col( components, ), ), ), id=f"{page_id}-{ele_id}-collapse", is_open=True, dimension="height", ) ), ], id=f"{page_id}-{ele_id}-collapse-wrapper", ) return collapsible
[docs] def build_common_layout( title: str, page_id: str, input_components: list, output_components: list, layout_description: str, left_sticky: bool = False, right_sticky: bool = True, ) -> html.Div: """Build a common form layout for interacting with the root model. Args: title (str): The page title. page_id (str): The page ID. input_components (list): The list of input form components. output_components (list): The list of modelling output components. layout_description (str): A description of the layout to add as page tooltip. left_sticky (bool, optional): Whether the left side of the page should be sticky. Defaults to False. right_sticky (bool, optional): Whether the right side of the page should be sticky. Defaults to True. Returns: html.Div: The common layout. """ external_links = get_external_links() external_links_collapsible = build_collapsible( external_links, page_id, "External Links" ) sidebar_components = [ html.H5( title, style={"margin-left": "1em", "margin-top": "0.2em", "text-align": "center"}, id=f"{page_id}-title", ), dbc.Tooltip( layout_description, target=f"{page_id}-title", placement="right", delay={"show": "500"}, ), input_components, dcc.Download(id=f"{page_id}-download-params"), dcc.Download(id=f"{page_id}-download-content"), dcc.Download(id=f"{page_id}-download-results"), dbc.Toast( "", id=f"{page_id}-load-toast", header="Data Notification", is_open=False, dismissable=True, icon="primary", duration=5000, style={"position": "fixed", "bottom": "0", "left": "0", "zIndex": "9999"}, ), dbc.Toast( "", id=f"{page_id}-results-toast", header="Results Notification", is_open=False, dismissable=True, icon="primary", duration=5000, style={"position": "fixed", "bottom": "0", "left": "0", "zIndex": "9999"}, ), external_links_collapsible, ] sticky_style = { "position": "sticky", "top": "0", "max-height": "100vh", } left_style = {"width": "40%", "padding-right": "0"} right_style = {"width": "60%", "padding-left": "0", "text-align": "center"} if left_sticky: for k in sticky_style: left_style[k] = sticky_style[k] if right_sticky: for k in sticky_style: right_style[k] = sticky_style[k] layout = html.Div( dbc.Row( [ html.Div( dbc.Col( dbc.Fade( id=f"{page_id}-sidebar-fade", is_in=False, appear=True, timeout=750, style={"transition": "opacity 750ms ease"}, children=dbc.Card( sidebar_components, style={"borderRadius": "0", "padding-top": "1em"}, ), ) ), style=left_style, ), html.Div( dbc.Col( dbc.Fade( id=f"{page_id}-output-fade", is_in=False, appear=True, timeout=1000, style={"transition": "opacity 1000ms ease"}, children=dbc.Card( output_components, style={"borderRadius": "0", "padding-top": "1em"}, ), ) ), style=right_style, ), ], id=page_id, ), ) return layout
[docs] def get_out_table_df() -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the default output table as a dataframe. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The output table as a dataframe. """ out_df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=["workflow", "task", "date", "tag"]) return out_df
[docs] def get_common_layout( title: str, page_id: str, page_description: str, parameter_form_name: str = "simulation_form", simulation_form_name: str = "simulation_form", procedure: str = "Simulation", task: str = "simulation", data_key: str = "summary_data", left_sticky: bool = False, right_sticky: bool = True, ) -> html.Div: """Get the common form layout for multiple dashboard pages. Args: title (str): The page title. page_id (str): The current page ID. page_description (str): A description of the page. parameter_form_name (str, optional): The name of the parameter form components specification. Defaults to "simulation_form". simulation_form_name (str, optional): The name of the simulation form components specification. Defaults to "simulation_form". procedure (str): The simulation procedure. task (str): The simulation task. data_key (str): The key to use for building the data components within the form. left_sticky (bool, optional): Whether the left side of the page should be sticky. Defaults to False. right_sticky (bool, optional): Whether the right side of the page should be sticky. Defaults to True. Returns: html.Div: The common layout. """ app = get_app() parameter_form = app.settings[parameter_form_name] simulation_form = app.settings[simulation_form_name] input_components = [] k = data_key if parameter_form.components.get(k) is not None: calibration_components = build_common_components( parameter_form.components[k]["children"], page_id, k ) if parameter_form.components[k].get("collapsible"): calibration_components = build_collapsible( calibration_components, page_id, k.replace("_", " ").title() ) input_components.append(calibration_components) k = "parameters" parameter_components = build_common_components( parameter_form.components[k]["children"], page_id, k ) if parameter_form.components[k].get("collapsible"): parameter_components = build_collapsible( parameter_components, page_id, k.title() ) input_components.append(parameter_components) if procedure == "Calibration": k = task calibration_components = build_common_components( parameter_form.components[k]["children"], page_id, k ) if parameter_form.components[k].get("collapsible"): calibration_components = build_collapsible( calibration_components, page_id, "Calibration Parameters" ) input_components.append(calibration_components) k = "simulation" if simulation_form.components.get(k) is not None: data_io_components = build_common_components( simulation_form.components[k]["children"], page_id, k ) if simulation_form.components[k]["collapsible"]: data_io_components = build_collapsible( data_io_components, page_id, procedure ) input_components.append(data_io_components) input_components = dbc.Col(input_components) simulation_run_df = get_out_table_df() simulation_results_data = {"simulation-runs-table": simulation_run_df} k = "results" simulation_results_components = build_common_components( simulation_form.components[k]["children"], page_id, k, simulation_results_data, resize_component=False, ) output_components = dbc.Row( dbc.Col(simulation_results_components, style={"margin-left": "0.5em"}) ) layout = build_common_layout( title, page_id, input_components, output_components, page_description, left_sticky, right_sticky, ) return layout
[docs] def build_calibration_parameters( form_name: str, task: str, parameter_values: list, calibration_values: list, observed_data: list[dict] | None = None, summary_statistics: list[dict] | None = None, observed_data_content: str = "", raw_edge_content: str = "", stat_by_layer: bool = False, stat_by_col: bool = False, use_summary_statistics: bool = True, ) -> dict | None: """Build calibration parameters for workflow submission from form inputs. Args: form_name (str): The name of the current form. task (str): The current simulation task. parameter_values (list): The parameter form input data. calibration_values (list): The calibration parameter form input data. observed_data: (list[dict] | None, optional): The list of observed root data. Defaults to None. summary_statistics: (list[dict] | None, optional): The list of observed summary statistic data. Defaults to None. observed_data_content (str, optional): The raw content string for the observed root data. Defaults to "". raw_edge_content (str, optional): The raw content string for the simulated edge data. Defaults to "". stat_by_layer (bool, optional): Whether to calculate statistics by soil layer. Defaults to False. stat_by_col (bool, optional): Whether to calculate statistics by soil column. Defaults to False. use_summary_statistics (bool, optional): Whether to use summary statistics rather than graph data. Defaults to True. Returns: dict | None: The calibration parameters for workflow submission """ form_inputs: dict = {"parameter_intervals": {}} app = get_app() form_model = app.settings[form_name] for i, input in enumerate(form_model.components["parameters"]["children"]): k = input["param"] if isinstance(parameter_values[i], list): lower_bound, upper_bound = parameter_values[i] form_inputs["parameter_intervals"][k] = { "lower_bound": lower_bound, "upper_bound": upper_bound, "data_type": input["data_type"], } else: form_inputs[k] = parameter_values[i] form_inputs["calibration_parameters"] = {} form_inputs["statistics_comparison"] = {} for i, input in enumerate(form_model.components[task]["children"]): k = input["param"] calibration_value = calibration_values[i] if k == "summary_statistics" or k == "distance_metrics": if ( calibration_value is None or len(calibration_value) == 0 and use_summary_statistics ): return None if input.get("statistic_parameter"): form_inputs["statistics_comparison"][k] = calibration_value else: form_inputs["calibration_parameters"][k] = calibration_value form_inputs["statistics_comparison"]["stat_by_soil_layer"] = stat_by_layer form_inputs["statistics_comparison"]["stat_by_soil_column"] = stat_by_col form_inputs["statistics_comparison"][ "use_summary_statistics" ] = use_summary_statistics if use_summary_statistics: observed_data_content = "" raw_edge_content = "" form_inputs["observed_data"] = observed_data form_inputs["summary_statistics"] = summary_statistics form_inputs["observed_data_content"] = observed_data_content form_inputs["raw_edge_content"] = raw_edge_content return form_inputs